
Cada día, más mujeres en todo el mundo emprenden acciones en favor de la igualdad, la paz y la justicia. Son ellas quienes transforman, queriéndolo o no, los esquemas tradicionales de género y poder, dedicando su vida a defender los derechos inalienables de todas las personas. Cada vez más, estas extraordinarias mujeres se identifican a sí mismas como defensoras de derechos humanos.

# StandWithHer

Every day more women all over the world are taking action to promote equality, peace and justice. It is these women who, whether they mean to or not, are transforming traditional gender roles and power structures, by dedicating their lives to defending fundamental human rights. More and more, these extraordinary women are identifying themselves as human rights defenders. In general, it is said that women are doubly vulnerable, for being women and for defending human rights, however, they are strengthened by their determination to create positive change in our societies.

El enfoque psicosocial en la protección de mujeres defensoras

Ser defensora o defensor de derechos humanos es una labor de mucho riesgo que se desarrolla en contextos de violencia socio-política y de una creciente criminalización. El estrés y las preocupaciones constantes traen consigo una seria de afectaciones a nivel físico y emocional que no solo atacan a la persona defensora en cuestión, sino que debilitan sus procesos organizativos y de resistencia.

The psychosocial focus in the protection of women human rights defenders

Being a human rights defender is a job that implies a lot of risk, often in contexts of socio-political violence and an increase in criminalisation. The stress and constant concerns that this work brings with it generates a series of impacts on both physical and emotional levels that do not only attack the human rights defender personally, but also weaken their collective organisational processes of resistance.

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