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We accompany human rights defenders

PBI is an international non-governmental organization (NGO) that provides accompaniment and observation to threatened civil society organisations that request it. The presence of international volunteers, backed up by an international support network and the dissemination of information, helps to deter violence.

Apply to become a field volunteer

The volunteers of Peace Brigades International (PBI) come from many different countries and backgrounds. What these volunteers share is a strong commitment to nonviolence and a belief in the contribution that ordinary people can make to creating a more peaceful and just world.

The people we accompany

At PBI Honduras we accompany eight human rights organisations in three thematic areas: land, territory and environment; LGBTI+ rights; and freedom of expression.

10 years PBI Honduras

In July 2024, we celebrated the tenth anniversary of PBI's accompaniment in Honduras. Dressed in green, we have contributed over the years to making space for peace. However, our work would not exist without the commitment, courage and resilience of the defenders we have accompanied.

"My mother always talked about the alternative life projects, about the communities' own life projects. I think it is important to continue to maintain our life projects, to build them, to debate them, to collectivise them."
Bertha Zúniga Cáceres, Civil Council of Grassroots and Indigenous Organisations in Honduras (COPINH), 2024.

Donate today

For over 40 years, we have worked at local, regional and international levels to protect human rights defenders and communities whose lives and work are threatened by violence. Help us protect human rights defenders by making a donation, however small, today.