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PBI Honduras


Since the 2009 coup d’état in Honduras, PBI has seen with increasing concern the worsening of the situation of human rights defenders. In May 2010, PBI received a request for accompaniment from the Honduran Human Rights Coordination Group (Plataforma de Derechos Humanos de Honduras), comprised of six of the main organisations that defend human rights in the country. In light of this request, PBI activated its response protocol which led to the following project phases for the Honduras Project: exploration (2011 and 2012), decision and opening (2013-2104), establishment and consolidation (2015-2018).


PBI Honduras accompanies and strengthens the work of at-risk defenders, social processes and initiatives, with the aim of contributing to guarantee and respect for fundamental rights in the country.


  • To promote comprehensive protection strategies for human rights defenders.
  • To counteract the strategies of criminalisation and impunity that affect the legitimate work of defenders.
  • To contribute to mitigating the negative effects of private interests and the increasing closure of spaces for the defence of land, territory and the environment.

To fulfil these actions, PBI Honduras maintains a field team in Tegucigalpa, which offers international accompaniment to human rights defenders in most areas of the country. Moreover, the project employs staff to support the different working areas both within and outside of Honduras. The PBI national groups are key to our international advocacy and fundraising work, enabling PBI Honduras to be a sustainable project.