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How we work


International Accompaniment

Human rights defenders are at the centre of what we do. We use our international presence and global networks to protect, support and facilitate the work of local defenders and activists with the aim of achieving peaceful social change.

International accompaniment is a strategy used by PBI to protect defenders and communities whose lives and work are threatened by political violence. PBI sends teams of volunteers who stand shoulder to shoulder with these individuals and communities of defenders in areas of conflict.

For more than 35 years, PBI has protected the lives of hundreds of organisations and communities in 11 countries. The groups we have accompanied include indigenous communities, environmental organisations, lawyers, women’s organisations, and relatives of disappeared persons. Despite the constant threats they face, the presence of PBI has allowed these inspiring people to continue and expand their work.

PBI’s international accompaniment in Honduras is effective thanks to the following comprehensive working strands:

Physical presence

We accompany people, communities and organisations in their activities defending human rights, always at their request. We also visit the offices of organisations and communities and observe public events.

Advocacy work

Advocacy is a key part of the work of PBI Honduras. With the support of country groups, we hold meetings with authorities at the local, regional and international levels to learn about progress on human rights and to promote the protection of defenders’ work.

External communications

PBI Honduras gathers information on the ground, and we use this to analyse the human rights situation. Via reports, newsletters and other publications, PBI Honduras raises awareness of this context and, in particular, the situation of human rights defenders in the country.


We offer comprehensive support to organisations, individuals and communities that defend human rights, with the aim of contributing to strengthening their capacities to analyse risks, create safety and emergency plans, access psychosocial support and develop advocacy and digital security.

What difference does accompaniment make?

International accompaniment has three mutually-reinforcing effects.

  • Protects threatened human rights defenders by raising the stakes for potential attackers.
  • Provides moral support to threatened human rights defenders, giving them the confidence to continue their vital work.
  • • Strengthens the international peace and human rights movement.