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Bulletin 04

In this fourth edition of the PBI Honduras Newsletter, we pay special tribute to the celebrated women human rights defenders who left us this year. In addition to the killing of Berta Cáceres, which leaves a huge void in Honduran civil society, the country has suffered the loss of historic women human rights defenders such as Gladys Lanza and Magdalena Morales.

Bulletin 04 (pdf 4.5 MB)

PBI Honduras Bulletin 03.

Two years have already passed since the arrival of the first PBI team in Honduras and this is the third edition of our annual newsletter. In this edition we have compiled some issues related to human rights that have marked the year 2015.

PBI Honduras Bulletin 03. (pdf 12.9 MB)

PBI Honduras Bulletin 02.

We end 2014 with bleak figures for the human rights situation in Honduras. This makes the presence of the international community more important than ever to ensure respect for international human rights conventions.

PBI Honduras Bulletin 02. (pdf 7.9 MB)

PBI Honduras Bulletin 01.

After nearly a year since our accompaniment project was opened in this Central American country, we bring you this publication, as part of our international information work.

PBI Honduras Bulletin 01. (pdf 2.2 MB)

ALERTS / Briefings / Releases

Espacio ACI ondena amenazas a defensores del medio ambiente y solicita investigación de casos expuestos en informe de Global Witness

La Asociación de Cooperación Internacional (Espacio ACI), constituida por 28 ONGs
internacionales con presencia y trabajo en Honduras, expresamos nuestra
preocupación ante las declaraciones vertidas por funcionarios del estado de
Honduras y representantes de la empresa privada en relación al informe presentado
el 31 de enero del corriente, por la organización internacional de derechos humanos
Global Witness denominado “Honduras el lugar más peligroso para defender el
planeta” en donde se exponen cinco casos de violaciones a derechos humanos y
actos de corrupción.

Espacio ACI ondena amenazas a defensores del medio ambiente y solicita investigación de casos expuestos en informe de Global Witness (pdf 43 KB)

Joint Statement: Dutch development bank (FMO) Should Protect Human Rights Defenders

November 16, 2016. The undersigned civil society organizations (CSOs) from around the world call on the Dutch development bank, FMO, to adopt measures in its Sustainability Policy to prevent and address reprisals against human rights defenders (HRDs) related to the activities it finances.

Joint Statement: Dutch development bank (FMO) Should Protect Human Rights Defenders (pdf 47 KB)

ALERT: State Repression of Peaceful Protest at the Public Prosecutors Office Demanding Justice in the case of Berta Cáceres

PBI wishes to express its concern regarding the events that took place during the peaceful demonstration of October 20 in Tegucigalpa, in which the violent repression that COPINH and other civil society organizations suffer when exercising their legitimate right to protest was made evident. Minors, elderly persons, journalists, international and national human rights observers, and individuals who benefit from cautionary measures granted by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) were among the affected parties. Jose Asunción Martinez, member of the coordination of COPINH, was hospitalized after being gravely wounded.

ALERT: State Repression of Peaceful Protest at the Public Prosecutors Office Demanding Justice in the case of Berta Cáceres (pdf 76 KB)

Situation of the Judment of the Inter-American Court in the case of López Lone vs Honduras; Expiration of the Term of Compliance

November 10, 2016. After the 2009 coup in Honduras, Magistrate Tirza del Carmen Flores Lanza and Judges Adán Guillermo López Lone, Luis Alonso Chévez de la Rocha and Ramón Enrique Barrios Maldonado, all members of the Association of Judges for Democracy (AJD), were dismissed arbitrarily. The case went to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR), which issued a sentence and recognized the active role that the Supreme Court of Honduras played in the coup. Since the public hearing held in February last year in San José, Costa Rica, PBI-Honduras has closely followed this paradigmatic case, the first by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights in the context of the coup d'état, and the only case on judicial independence in Central America that the Court has addressed so far. This document aims to draw the attention of the international community to the lack of progress in complying with the judgment, which expires on November 10, 2016, one year after being notified.

Situation of the Judment of the Inter-American Court in the case of López Lone vs Honduras; Expiration of the Term of Compliance (pdf 142 KB)

ALERT: Attacks and intimidation against participants and international observers at the International Meeting "Berta Cáceres Lives"

The undersigned organizations, express our deep concern about the serious incidents that occurred on Friday, April 15 in the town of San Francisco de Ojuera -Department of Santa Barbara where a dozen people were injured.

ALERT: Attacks and intimidation against participants and international observers at the International Meeting "Berta Cáceres Lives" (pdf 72 KB)

Alert: LGBT community at high risk. Security situation of Arcoiris Association. 1 February 2016.

The purpose of this Alert is to draw the attention of the international community to the security situation of the members of the Arcoiris Association, an LGBT organization accompanied by Peace Brigades International (PBI) since July 2015.

Alert: LGBT community at high risk. Security situation of Arcoiris Association. 1 February 2016. (pdf 91 KB)

Alert for the security situation of journalist Dina Meza. 20 July 2015.

Growing restrictions on freedom of expression – the security situation of journalist Dina Meza, Alert num.1 – 2015.

Alert for the security situation of journalist Dina Meza. 20 July 2015. (pdf 113 KB)

Briefing PBI Honduras, Santa Elena, december 10, 2014.

On international human rights day PBI Honduras urges the international community to monitor the security situation of small scale farmers and indigenous peoples in the municipality of Santa Elena, department of la Paz, Honduras.

Briefing PBI Honduras, Santa Elena, december 10, 2014. (pdf 135 KB)

Thematic Reports ans Special Publications

Honduras – Economic, social and cultural rights. Briefing on the situation of human rights defenders. June 2016.

On the 8th and 9th June 2016, the second Periodic Review of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in Honduras (CESCR) will take place in Geneva. PBI wish to contribute to the efforts of Honduran organisations as they alert the Committee and the international community to the lack of protection and the vulnerability of the defenders of those rights which are the object of the Honduras Review. Effective achievement of economic, social and cultural rights depends on the valiant contribution of civil society and HRDs.

Honduras – Economic, social and cultural rights. Briefing on the situation of human rights defenders. June 2016. (pdf 5.0 MB)

Honduras- 2015 Universal Periodic Review. Briefing on the situation of Human Rights Defenders.

On May 8, 2015 in Geneva, Honduras will be examined for the second time
under the Universal Periodic Review (UPR).For the first time, PBI has decided to offer recommendations for the UPR of Honduras, based on information gathered in the field and analysis shared with us by defenders. Individuals, communities and organisations who demand and defend their rights should be able to do so in a climate of freedom, respect and security.

Honduras- 2015 Universal Periodic Review. Briefing on the situation of Human Rights Defenders. (pdf 1.5 MB)

Exploratory work reports

Honduras: The Defence of Human Rights: A High-Risk Activity


Honduras: The Defence of Human Rights: A High-Risk Activity (pdf 2.4 MB)

Report of the Short-term Mission to Honduras: The situation of human rights defenders

The mission lasted three weeks and took place during May 2011.

Report of the Short-term Mission to Honduras: The situation of human rights defenders (pdf 0.9 MB)

Honduras: A new perspective on Human Rights? The defence of human rights and the 2013 Elections

An update on the situation of vulnerability and risks faced by human rights defenders within the context of the November 24 2013 elections.

Honduras: A new perspective on Human Rights? The defence of human rights and the 2013 Elections (pdf 1.2 MB)